Implement functions to i) solve linear equations; ii) calculate matrix inverse; and iii) calculate matrix determinant. The method to use is the modified Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization.
The Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization process, even modified, is less stable and accurate than the Givens roation algorithm. On the other hand, the Gram-Schmidt process produces the j-th orthogonalized vector after the j-th iteration, while orthogonalization using Givens rotations produces all vectors only at the end of the process. This makes the Gram–Schmidt process applicable for iterative methods like the Arnoldir/Lanczos iteration. Also its ease of implementation makes it a useful exercise for the students.
implement some basic matrix/vector operations. Alternatively,
you can implement your own matrix/vector classes the way you like
it (a good way to learn a language). At the bare minimum your classes
might look something like (read the
manual about indexers in Csharp),
public class vector{ public double[] data; public int size => data.Length; public double this[int i]{ // indexer get => data[i]; // getter set => data[i]=value; // setter } public vector(int n){ // constructor data=new double[n]; } }
public class matrix{ public readonly int size1,size2; private double[] data; // to keep matrix elements public matrix(int n,int m){ // constructor size1=n; size2=m; data = new double[size1*size2]; } public double this[int i,int j]{ // indexer get => data[i+j*size1]; set => data[i+j*size1]=value; } }
var rnd = new System.Random(1); /* or any other seed */ double x = rnd.NextDouble(); double y = rnd.NextDouble(); double z = rnd.NextDouble();
Return Q and R in a tuple (like scipy),
public static class QR{ public static (matrix,matrix) decomp(matrix A){ matrix Q=A.copy(); matrix R=new matrix(A.size2,A.size2); /* orthogonalize Q and fill-in R */ return (Q,R); } public static vector solve(matrix Q, matrix R, vector b){ ... } public static double det(matrix R){ ... } public static matrix inverse(matrix Q,matrix R){ ... } }
public class QR{ matrix Q,R; public QR(matrix A){ /* the above "decomp" is the constructor here */ Q=A.copy(); R=new matrix(A.size2,A.size2); /* orthogonalize Q and fill-in R */ } public vector solve(vector b){ ... } public double det(){ ... } public matrix inverse(){ ... } }
directly to your matrix class (declare it partial
you can add things to it using a file in your homework directory).
(6 points) Solving linear equations using QR-decomposition by modified Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization
Implement a static (or, at your choice, non-static) class "QR" with functions "decomp", "solve", and "det" (as indicated above). In the non-static class "decomp" becomes a constructor and must be called "QR").
The function "decomp" (or the constructor QR) should perform stabilized Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization of an n×m (where n≥m) matrix A and calculate R.
The function/method "solve" should use the matrices Q and R from "decomp" and solve the equation QRx=b for the given right-hand-side "b".
The function/method "det" should return the determinant of matrix R which is equal to the determinant of the original matrix. Determinant of a triangular matrix is given by the product of its diagonal elements.
Check that your "decomp" works as intended:
Check that you "solve" works as intended:
(3 points) Matrix inverse by Gram-Schmidt QR factorization
Add the function/method "inverse" to your "QR" class that, using the calculated Q and R, should calculate the inverse of the matrix A and returns it.
Check that you function works as intended:
(1 point) Operations count for QR-decomposition
Measure the time it takes to QR-factorize (with your implementation)
a random NxN matrix as function of N. Convince yourself that it goes like
O(N³): measure (using the POSIX time
utility) the time
it takes to QR-factorize an N×N matrix for several values of N,
plot the time as function of N in gnuplot and fit with N³.
You can build your timing data like this (you might want to read
man bash | less +/"for name" man 1 seq man 1 time), : main.exe >$@ for N in $$(seq 100 20 200); do \ time --format "$$N %e" --output $@ --append \ mono $< -size:$$N 1>out 2>err ;\ done