Command-Line Arguments in POSIX Systems

In POSIX systems (like Linux and macOS), programs can receive arguments from the command line when they are executed. These arguments can be used to customize the program's behavior. They are accessed through the main function.

The main Function


The standard signature for the main function in C/C++ that accepts command-line arguments is:

int main(int argc, char *argv[]);

or equivalently:

int main(int argc, char **argv);

Here's what the parameters mean:


In C#, the Main method's signature for accepting command-line arguments is typically:

static int Main(string[] args);

or sometimes:

static void Main(string[] args);

Here's what the parameter means:

Note that in C#, the program name itself is *not* included in the args array. The array only contains the arguments provided *after* the program name. The `Main` method in C# can return an integer value, which is often used as an exit code for the program.


Let's say you have a program named myprogram (or myprogram.exe on Windows). If you compile it and run it from the command line like this:

./myprogram -n 10 output.txt

Then, inside the main function (C/C++):

And, inside the `Main` method (C#):


Command-line arguments are commonly used to provide options, filenames, or other input to a program when it starts. This makes programs more flexible and allows users to control their behavior without recompiling the code.