Generics (parametrized types) in C-sharp are like templates in C++ only with somewhat limited capabilities (but, allegedly, increased safety). In particular, it is not possible to call arithmetic operators on generic types, which makes C-sharp generics less useful for scientific computing (correction: it seems that version 7 actually allows to do this via interfaces, but we don't do interfaces in this course).
One can declare a generic class (or a generic method) using---just like in C++ and Java---angle brackets. For example, here is a (primitive) class implementing a generic list container where you can add items of a given type,
public class genlist<T>{ /* "T" is the type parameter */ private T[] data; /* we keep items in the array "data" */ public int size => data.Length; /* I think that "size" sounds better than "Length" */ public T this[int i] => data[i]; /* we get items from our list using [i] notation */ public genlist(){ data = new T[0]; } /* constructor creates empty list */ public void add(T item){ /* add item of the type "T" to the list */ T[] newdata = new T[size+1]; /* we need a larger array (inefective but uses minimal memory) */ Array.Copy(data,newdata,size); /* here you do O(size) operations */ newdata[size]=item; /* add the item at the end of the list */ data=newdata; /* old data should be garbage collected, no worry here */ } }The container can be used as
genlist<int> list = new genlist<int>(); list.add(1); list.add(2); list.add(3); for(int i=0;i<list.size;i++)WriteLine(list[i]);Actually, there is a built-in
container [→].
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